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960 with transmission fault





Сообщений: 11
Регистрация: 15.06.2005

My old Ford scorpio estate used to do this, it leaked gearbox fluid and whenever the level was low it used to lose drive, put fluid in and it was fine again. Could be something as simple as that.

Сообщение # 1 08.09.20 - 08:49:36
RE: 960 with transmission fault



Сообщений: 1
Регистрация: 13.07.2008

These boxes were made to be filled once only with fully synthetic ATF. The reccomendation from operators of these cars is to replace the fluid every 100,000 miles. It could be just that simple as you say Tony, or it could be that the 'brain' that works this box is giving up the ghost and is in need of replacement. George is looking into the cost aspect of replacement as a means of getting the best out of the car, however you are right to suggest that there may be a cheaper alternative than replacement. Good on yer mate. All the best, Peter

Сообщение # 2 08.09.20 - 09:34:30
RE: 960 with transmission fault
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